Related Disorders Links
Sensory Processing
- SPD Foundation’s mission is to improve the lives of children and adults with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and their families through research, education and increased global awareness.
- The International Dyslexia Association promotes literacy through research, education and advocacy.
- Learning Ally is a national nonprofit that aims to make reading accessible to all.
- Everyone Reading Illinois is a not-for-profit organization committed to the advancement of research on and treatment of dyslexia and related language learning disabilities.
- Decoding Dyslexia Illinois aims to link arms with parents statewide with a common voice and mission.
Learning Disabilities
- LD Online seeks to help children and adults reach their full potential by providing accurate and up to date information and advice about learning disabilities and ADHD.
- ADDitude Magazine provides strategies and support for ADHD and LD.
- National Center for Learning Disabilities improves the lives of all people with learning difficulties and disabilities by empowering parents, enabling young adults, and creating policy and advocacy impact.
Nonverbal Learning Disorder
- Specific information on NLD -
- Autism Society of Illinois (Lombard, IL) is the Illinois chapter of the Autism Society of America
- Autism Speaks goal is to change to future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorder
Social Challenges
- Social Thinking is a treatment framework and curriculum developed by Michelle Garcia Winner that targets improving individual social thinking abilities, regardless of diagnostic labels.
“DISCLAIMER:The content on this website is for general educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for the advice, recommendations or guidance of a therapist, speech and language pathologist, doctor or any other professional. Any specific questions or concerns you may have should be discussed with your healthcare provider. The Apraxia Connection makes no warranties express or implied regarding the information provided on this website or the links on this website. Website links are provided as part of The Apraxia Connection’s mission to bring resources to families, however The Apraxia Connection does not specifically endorse the information or products available on these websites.”