Apraxia & Local Resources
Apraxia Specific Links
The following are national and local organizations that have important information about apraxia and methods to treat apraxia.
- Apraxia-kids (CASANA): http://www.apraxia-kids.org/
- Apraxia-kids (CASANA) SLP Directory: http://www.apraxia-kids.org/speech-pathologist-directory/
- ASHA - Statement on CAS: http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/childhoodapraxia/
- Cherab: http://www.cherab.org/
- Kaufman Children's Center: http://www.kidspeech.com/
- North Shore Pediatric Therapy: spt4kids.com/parenting/childhood-apraxia-speech/
- The Prompt Institute: http://www.promptinstitute.com
- Speech EZ Apraxia Program: http://www.speech-ez.com
Apraxia Organization Links
The following are non-profit organizations dedicated to raising awareness about apraxia.
- Northwest Ohio Apraxia Support: http://www.nwoapraxiasupport.org/index.html
- Apraxia Resource Center of Connecticut: http://www.apraxiact.com/
- Silent Stars Foundation (Glenview, IL): http://www.silentstars.org/
Local Resources Links
The following are organizations dedicated to providing support and services to children with special needs and their families.
- Mothers on a Mission: http://www.mothersonamission.net/
- Chicago Special Parent Magazine: http://www.chicagoparent.com/magazines/special-parent
- Friendship Circle of Michigan: http://www.friendshipcircle.org/
- One Place for Special Needs: http://www.oneplaceforspecialneeds.com/
- Illinois Assistive Technology Program: http://www.iltech.org/
- Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois: http://www.ldail.com/
Parent Support Links
The following are online discussion groups.
- Windy City/Chicagoland Apraxia Network: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/windycityapraxia/info
“DISCLAIMER:The content on this website is for general educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for the advice, recommendations or guidance of a therapist, speech and language pathologist, doctor or any other professional. Any specific questions or concerns you may have should be discussed with your healthcare provider. The Apraxia Connection makes no warranties express or implied regarding the information provided on this website or the links on this website. Website links are provided as part of The Apraxia Connection’s mission to bring resources to families, however The Apraxia Connection does not specifically endorse the information or products available on these websites.”